Sit and be...

Sit and be…
I feel the anger, grief and fear
But know joy, love and compassion are also here.
This cacophony of feelings that come and go
Are telling me what I need to know.
What I need to know about what’s going on inside,
And, yes there are times I want to hide.
Hide from the feelings enveloping me
To lock them out and throw away the key.
But then they come again knocking at the door
Telling me not to ignore
The fear, the grief anger and pain,
The guilt and the deep down shame.
But then I hear a gentler knock on that door,
Softer than the ones before.
A gentle voice call out to me
With the strength of a wise old tree.
“Will you open the door just a bit
And let us in so we can come and sit,
Sit and hold you very near
For you have nothing to fear.
We are love and compassion, joy and peace.
We are here to make the noise decrease.
That constant banging on the door
That you are choosing to ignore.
You do have the strength to surf the tide
When you let them all inside
As we are here, right with you
To support you when you do.
When fear shows up remember joy.
Here’s a tip to employ
Be present to the beauty around
And fear won’t make another sound.
Then when grief and anger turn up at the door
Let love embrace you ever more.
In your heart, just let it in.
Now is the time for you to begin.
And when guilt and shame come to visit you
Invite compassion into view.
To hold you in that space while you feel
What to you is very real.
Now we will let you sit and be
Sit with peace and have some tea.
Let peace remind you that deep inside
You have nothing to hide.
Please do know you are so much more
Than those feelings knocking at your door.
That you are as strong as a mighty tree
When you take time to sit and be
With the anger, grief and fear
And let them flow like a river crystal clear.
Let them flow through you remembering who you are
A beautiful, vibrant, shining star.
Now remember our gentle knock on the door
And embrace us all for evermore.”
So I feel the anger, grief and fear
Knowing joy, love and compassion are also here.
Letting them all flow through me
When I take the time to sit and be.
Lyn Man, May 2024
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