"I am enough!"

the podcast:
embracing our wholeness and creating possibility

In a world of division how can we see wholeness?

In a world where this division is both internal and external.

One which reinforces we are not enough, that there is not enough.  

That reinforces we should be more, do more and have more ...


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Where the divisions can make us feel helpless and hopeless.

What if we turned this all around and remembered we are enough?  

That we deserve to be patient with ourselves, take care of ourselves as well as others. 

That there is enough for everyone and that we have more similarities than we believe.

What if we start to remember we have choices, things can be done differently and that we are all full of potential?

When we start to be compassionate to ourselves, others and Earth, when we see things as enough, what would be possible then?

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Podcast Episodes

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The Back Story

"I have spent most of my life believing that I was not doing enough, giving enough and effectively was not enough.  This impacted what I did, how I saw myself and how I treated myself.  I know I am not alone in this.   Perfectionism, over achievement, the constant pushing and striving and resultant burnout, and the feeling of never being quite good enough is prevalent in society as a whole.   This impacts us mentally and physically.

When we come from this place we come from a place of scarcity, a place where we limit ourselves and from a place that is unsustainable in the long run.  When we turn this on its head we can see possibilities.  We start to recognise our own potential and see that we are whole after all.

The idea for this podcast was born after reflecting on what had come up during the TreeJourney courses Earthaconter had run.  The insights gained from participants and how the TreeJourney could help them start to see themselves as whole, with possibilities in front of them.  At Earthaconter we knew it was time to inspire others to recognise they are enough, what they do is enough and that there is a world of possibilities out there."

Lyn Man, Podcast Host