The TreeJourney

Supporting you create more positive change in the world! 

Imagine a world where you are creating the change you have dreamt of making:

where you aren't sacrificing your own needs,

where you are drawing on your inner wisdom and living to your fullest potential!

How would that feel?

The TreeJourney supports you to open up to your wisdom and gain clarity on your uniqueness. The TreeJourney supports you to open to possibility and to live to your true potential.

Ready to start your TreeJourney?

Know yourself more fully and create a flow of positive change!

 Our next TreeJourney starts when we have a group of 4 to 6 people

Step up for the TreeJourney now!

What is the TreeJourney?

It’s an experiential group coaching program modelled on biomimicry, with its roots in the science of grief.  This model has been used by its creator, Tabitha Jayne, and the co-creator of Earthaconter Lyn Man, for over 11 years in both individual and group coaching.

Tree ecosystems have nourished humans for thousands of years. Trees have been on Earth for 370 million years and survived three mass extinction events.  The TreeJourney taps into this ancient wisdom.

In uncertain times we want to make a difference by supporting those inspired humans creating positive change.

This group programme will provide that support, along with access to the Earthaconter Community. Together these help us provide wider access to coaching.

Who is it for?

The TreeJourney is for you if you:

  • want to show up more fully in the world
  • want to follow the laws of nature, but aren't sure how
  • get frustrated sometimes with your apparent lack of progress in creating positive change

What are the requirements to participate?

Participants are required to:

  • be curious and open minded
  • take personal responsibility for their own growth
  • value what they bring to the group
  • honour other participants with openness and respect
TreeJourney A4 portrait


What Other Participants Are Saying...

Secure your place on The TreeJourney
  • 'The TreeJourney facilitated one of the deepest processes I’ve experienced in learning about myself in relation to nature.'

    Sophia Foster

  • ‘Mindblowing, I didn’t expect it to be that deep and the spiritual effect’

    ‘I’m much more proactive than I was before, not afraid of doing things.  The Tree is doing things organically so when I feel like doing something I ask ‘is it organic?’ and if yes I do it, not asking myself ‘what if I’m making a mistake?’

    Maxime Fazilleau

  • 'Trying to live with a bit more wonder, and appreciation of life and yourself in life, is the feeling I got out of The TreeJourney.'

    Roger Chick

  • 'The TreeJourney is reflective, imaginative, immersive, and communal.’

    A gentle reflective meditation on how the tree’s survival speaks to the same dynamic in our own lives.’

    Scott Plate

  • 'The TreeJourney has helped me gain insight into my life through connecting with nature. It helped me clarify my goals and realise I have all I need within me to achieve them. Through it I also determined where I get my energy and the practices that secure me. Lyn's coaching with the tree supports me to move forward in my life and business.'

    Annmarie Chilton

  • 'I was surprised by the power of the experience. How much it opened up in me.

    Overall, I feel the TreeJourney has supported a greater sense of flow and creativity in my life. It has unlocked a part of me that I had hidden away for years and allowed me to start to nurture and nourish this aspect.'

    Marie Dove

What can I expect?

Here's what you can expect to learn to support you in creating change and impact!

Understanding what grounds and nourishes you and identifying what builds your emotional resilience are the foundation for taking action with clarity and confidence.

From Wisdom Comes Clarity

Gain clarity on the actions you want to take based on a deeper inner wisdom.

Draw on Natural Wisdom

Learn how to draw on natural wisdom through spending time in nature, by recalling memories and through the exercises and reflections during the sessions.

Tools for Life

Have a model you can return to time and again as well as tools you can continue to use.


Build a greater trust in your own abilities and what you can achieve

First 3 months for FREE

Access to membership of the Earthaconter community, where members support each other to develop their personal practices and create greater connections to self, Earth and each other.


Change limiting stories and behaviours to ones that aid you on your journey

Ready to start your TreeJourney?

Get clarity on your uniqueness and what you need to open up to your true potential.

Secure your place now!


90 minute weekly online sessions


weeks with emails for personal reflection & practice


120 minute online sessions

Gain new perspectives and personal insights!

Group coaching creates ‘coaching with benefits’ as one participant described it. Through connecting with and experiencing other participants being coached, and listening to their insights.


Experience the power of presence and open awareness with others and discover what emerges

Greater wisdom

'you get what you need', even though you weren’t even aware of what you needed.

How we work

Creating a safe space for each participant to explore and share:

  • Using the model of the tree to support individuals to move through the tree provides different tools and insights, which all connect into the whole.
  • Supported by the coaches, the courage and openness of participants creates trust from the start.

As coaches trained in nature connection we support the participants to draw directly from the wisdom of
nature and create their own interpretation, seeing the participant as the expert in their own life.

The Structure

2 x 120 minute online sessions and

9 x 90 minute weekly online sessions each with:

  • 1-1 coaching for one individual per session
  • group coaching
  • open discussions
  • time for personal reflection

All of this is guided by a certified coach.

We draw on different aspects of a tree each week, deepening the journey with each element. We start with the whole tree, followed by the ecosystem, the seed, the roots, the trunk, the branches, the leaves and the fruit. There are a couple of pauses along the way to allow you to catch your breath, and finally, there is a session looking at programme integration and what comes next.

Our next TreeJourney starts when we have a group of 4 to 6 people. The last TreeJourney ran at  19.00 BST / 20.00 CET but can be changed to fit the group's needs.

During the process, developing your own personal practice of connecting with trees and nature will help provide you with the support you need on an ongoing basis.

Connecting with the other participants, sharing your experiences and reflecting on questions from the coaches is also an important element of the programme.

To facilitate this we use the online platform, Simplero.

Your investment

We offer three levels reflecting Earthaconter's intention to welcome all who want to create positive change:

The TreeJourney - OAK


(wisdom and the gift of potential)

for those who's employer / business is paying


for those with financial resources willing to support those with less

  • All that BEECH includes
  • £200 is ring-fenced to contribute towards a scholarship (BIRCH)
Most popular

The TreeJourney - BEECH


(realisation and true potential)
  • 11 online sessions
  • opportunity to be coached in group
  • Inspiration and tools to help you develop your own nature practice
  • Earthaconter community membership FREE for first 3 months
  • Ongoing practical, integrating  TreeWisdom sessions and content to support you beyond the TreeJourney

The TreeJourney - BIRCH


spaces available at a reduced contribution and by application only

  • All that BEECH includes
  • Opportunity to participate at a reduced rate

Programme leader

Lyn Man is an ICF Associate Certified Coach who is inspired by nature. She has been coaching
and has worked with the TreeJourney and nature for over 12 years, as a client and a coach.

After years of putting everything else before herself a chronic health condition put life on hold and Lyn realised things had to change. With the support of nature and trees she took the time to reconnect with herself and tap into her natural wisdom and change the stories, drawing on the tools she had learnt previously to gain insights.

Lyn now holds the space with those wanting to make a greater positive change to do so by tapping into their natural wisdom and seeing their wholeness.

Ready to start your TreeJourney?

Know yourself more fully and create a flow of positive change!

Our next TreeJourney starts when we have a group of 4 to 6 people

Secure your place now!

About Earthaconter

Our vision is to create an organisation which supports individuals to make greater positive change and impact though changing the stories and deepening their connection to themselves, Earth and each other.

We are doing this by:

  • Creating a supportive community, with resources and interactive sessions drawing on nature and Earth to challenge societal stories.
  • Giving 1/3rd of our profit to projects that make a positive change on society and Earth.
  • Supporting individuals to create sustainable income and businesses.

All through drawing on the wisdom of trees and Earth.

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